Biology/Chemistry Publications:
- Metskas LA, Ortega D, Oltrogge LM, Blikstad C, Lovejoy DR, Laughlin TG, Savage DF, Jensen GJ. Rubisco forms a lattice inside alpha-carboxysomes. Nat Commun 2022 13:4863.
- Dutka P, Metskas LA, Hurt RC, Salahshoor H, Wang T-Y, Malounda D, Lu G, Chou T-F, Shapiro MG, Jensen GJ. Structure of Anabaena flos-aquae gas vesicles revealed by cryo-ET. Structure 2023 31(5): 518.
- Phillips DA, Zacharoff LA, Hampton CM, Chong GW, Malanoski AP, Metskas LA, Xu S, Bird LJ, Eddie BJ, Miklos AE, Jensen GJ, Drummy LF, El-Naggar MY, Glaven SM. A bacterial membrane sculpting protein with BAR domain-like activity. eLife 2021 Oct 13; 10:e60049.
- Kaplan M, Chreifi G, Metskas LA, Liedtke J, Wood CR, Oikonomou CM, Nicolas WJ, Subramanian P, Zacharoff LA, Wang Y, Chang YW, Beeby M, Dobro MJ, Zhu Y, McBride MJ, Briegel A, Shaffer CL, Jensen GJ. In situ imaging of bacterial outer membrane projections and associated protein complexes using electron cryo-tomography. eLife 2021 Sep 1; 10:e73099.
- Espinoza-Sanchez S, Metskas LA, Chou SZ, Rhoades E, Pollard TD. Conformational changes in Arp2/3 complex induced by ATP, WASp-VCA, and actin filaments. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Sep 11; 115(37):E8642-E8651.
- Metskas LA, Rhoades E. Order-Disorder Transitions in the Cardiac Troponin Complex. J Mol Biol. 2016 Jul 31; 428(15):2965-77.
- Metskas LA, Rhoades E. Conformation and Dynamics of the Troponin I C-Terminal Domain: Combining Single-Molecule and Computational Approaches for a Disordered Protein Region. J Am Chem Soc. 2015 Sep 23; 137(37):11962-9.
- Metskas LA, Rhoades E. Folding upon phosphorylation: translational regulation by a disorder-to-order transition. Trends Biochem Sci. 2015 May; 40(5):243-4.
- Ciubotaru M, Surleac MD, Metskas LA, Koo P, Rhoades E, Petrescu AJ, Schatz DG. The architecture of the 12RSS in V(D)J recombination signal and synaptic complexes. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Jan; 43(2):917-31.
Methods Publications:
- Metskas LA, Wilfong R, Jensen GJ. Subtomogram averaging for biophysical analysis and supramolecular context. J Struct Biol X 2022; 6: 100076.
- Dutka P, Malounda D, Metskas LA, Chen S, Hurt RC, Lu GJ, Jensen GJ, Shapiro MG. Measuring gas vesicle dimensions by electron microscopy. Protein Sci. 2021 May; 30(5):1081-1086.
- Kaplan M, Nicolas WJ, Zhao W, Carter SD, Metskas LA, Chreifi G, Ghosal D, Jensen GJ. In Situ Imaging and Structure Determination of Biomolecular Complexes Using Electron Cryo-Tomography. Methods Mol Biol. 2021; 2215:83-111.
- Metskas LA, Rhoades E. Single-Molecule FRET of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins. Annu Rev Phys Chem. 2020 Apr 20; 71:391-414.
- Metskas LA, Briggs JAG. Fluorescence-Based Detection of Membrane Fusion State on a Cryo-EM Grid using Correlated Cryo-Fluorescence and Cryo-Electron Microscopy. Microsc Microanal. 2019 Aug; 25(4):942-949.
- Biological Sciences paper of the year
- Featured in Microscopy Today
- Chreifi G, Chen S, Metskas LA, Kaplan M, Jensen GJ. Rapid tilt-series acquisition for electron cryotomography. J Struct Biol. 2019 Feb 1; 205(2):163-169.