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Submissions Guidelines

The Merck-Purdue Center for Measurement Science aims to promote collaborative projects by assembling cross-institutional teams to tackle problems of strategic importance. This public/private partnership brings tools at the forefront of measurement science to bear on some of the most important problems facing development and delivery of live-saving medications.

New project collaborations are facilitated through:

  1. preparation of 1 page high-level concept-oriented proposals by Purdue faculty members highlighting capabilities,
  2. short (~3 min.) presentations from faculty members during a visit of a Merck industrial leadership team (ILT) to Purdue,
  3. "match-making" to identify possible collaborative partners on projects of mutual interest,
  4. collaborative preparation of 12 month project proposals for consideration of support by Merck on a rolling basis.

Each project consists of an academic team [e.g., PI and student(s)] and an industrial team of scientists from Merck. A typical 12 month project is funded directly at a rate of $50K (total costs), half of which is allocated upon project initiation and the remaining half upon receipt of an approved final report.

Download our template submission form (Word)